Monday 24 November 2008


A few weeks ago, I overheard two schoolkids on the bus (fifteen-ish, girl and boy) refer to another passenger - a woman in her thirties who had a facial deformity - as a 'stunner'. Followed by 'shotgun'. I was so angry. I wanted to hiss at them and suggest perhaps that the boy had a tiny penis (childish, I know) - why else would he feel the need to insult so atrociously a woman who had done him no harm whatsover? I don't know what the girl's excuse was. But I said nothing, I didn't want to draw attention the the insult, the woman herself had not heard and I didn't want her to ever know what these cu*ts had said. I still get angry thinking about it.


trousers said...

*Insert rant here*

- because I could get very wound up (in complete sympathy with your post) if I do end up ranting.

nmj said...

hey trews, i really thought about these vile little bastards afterwards, whether they were just showing off to each other or whether they would have had similar - unvoiced - thoughts, had they been alone. beforehand, their conversation had been inane and loud, so enthralled with their own vacuousness.

Cusp said...

I think they probably were showing off to each other -- bravado --but it doesn't make it any better. I believe that if you hadn't thought about the woman's feelings you would have chastised those little s*ds. Sometimes you do have to speak out but you have to judge the right time and place.

nmj said...

yes, the bus was packed too, i didn't want a big scene, but i did glare when i got off.

greenwords said...

You need a stick, so you can hit people like that on the way past.

Susan said...

my son has a t-shirt that says "I probably wouldn't like you either" which kinda sums up my attitude to people like that. Ok they're only kids but what makes them so incredibly wonderful and perfect? Having grown up with a physical deformity and having had ME as long as you, I have learnt not to waste what little energy I have getting irritated with brainless little oinks like that. Sad tho innit?

nmj said...

hey greenwords, yes, a stick, i could be like an extremist religious leader, hitting the ankles of uncovered women!

hey susan, they were goodlooking kids, and so shallow & dim they thought this gives them the right to be abusive - i don't get it at all.

hey janelle, i loved that last blog post, it was fabulous, the italian vet especially.

Susan said...

hi nmj
I suspect the woman probably did hear it, she'd just got used to ignoring it. Having been bullied mercilessly in school (and even as an adult!) believe me you learn to turn the other cheek. It says a lot about how much better a person you must be that it bothered you so much.

They will come back as a snake or rat in another life...

nmj said...

hey susan, i really don't think she did hear, she was getting on the bus, walking up the aisle when the duo shared their little compliments - she was too far away to hear, but i was right in front & heard it all too clearly! - yes you do hope for some retribution, i guess they would come back as slugs.