Saturday 24 October 2009

Pyjama rage

I spent a good twenty minutes looking for my pyjama bottoms last night, cursing their whereabouts, only to realise I was already wearing them. I'd put them on under my skirt earlier cos I was cold.


willow said...

hahahahaha....this has happened to me too, not to speak of searching for the reading specs I am already wearing :))

trousers said...

Perhaps tangentially, it unsettles the dust on some hazy childhood memories of an advert for the 18-hour girdle. As in, Oh. I've got it on!

nmj said...

Willow, I felt a little stupid, to say the least... Trews, I have the vaguest, vaguest memory of this, but PLEASE don't every say 18-hour girdle in my earshot, it conjures up horrible images. I imagine it to be like some medieval contraption, why anyone would choose to wear one is beyond me.

tattytiara said...

Haha - I've lost a lot of things a lot of places in my life, but I don't think I've ever lost anything under a skirt I was wearing!

nmj said...

It was a very long skirt, they were hidden, that is my excuse!