Sunday, 27 November 2011

Two lovely things

Congratulations to Kitty Aldridge and the other winners of the Bridport Prize 2011, announced yesterday! I was v. chuffed to make the shortlist of 100 (out of 6000 entries) in the short story category, a long time since I had written anything new. Also, delighted that The State of Me has been in top 100 paid Kindle literary fiction for last month (with occasional dips out). I'm sure the bargain 99p has something to do with it.  A nice short Kindle review here.


LoveBooks said...

I'm glad to see that your book is still doing well. As it really is a good book for people with ME to read and also the people around us, as it helps them understand how it affects us.

nmj said...

Thanks, Butterfly. I am pleased the Kindle has somewhat revived the book, it is great if more people are reading and recommending. I like it most when people who have no experience of the illness come across the book and are informed and entertained at same time.