Saturday, 18 January 2014

Short story in The Scotsman

Delighted to have a short story in today's Scotsman, they showcase emerging - I will be forever emerging -  and established writers in The Write Stuff. I sent off  'A Small Punishment' last November and heard back in less than a week that they wanted it. So refreshing to hear back so quickly, usually you are waiting for months and months when you submit on spec. The story should have appeared before Christmas, but I was nudged over by the great man. And thanks to my friend Ciara for giving me the heads up about the feature (she had one of her own stories published last autumn). My story was, in fact, shortlisted for the Bridport Prize in 2011, but has never been published. I have edited it significantly since then - also, made it less sweary - that's the great thing about a piece of writing, you can leave it for months or years and go back to it. It is never really finished. Five years on I still want to change sentences in The State of Me.

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