Thursday, 6 February 2014

Warning: do not overheat your lavender wheat bag

I've been wearing my lavender wheat bag like a stole these last few months, I have intermittent neck pain - I'll get a sudden creaking noise like a tree, and a short sharp pain, then toothache in my neck/left shoulder for the rest of day. Last night, I overheated the bag in the microwave, I scorched it - amazing it has not happened before, the scorching - it smelled like a singed dog. I used it anyway, took it to bed and woke up surrounded by wheat kernels, scattered like confetti. The scorched bit had burst. I am sad. I love this wheat bag, is excellent for back and neck pain, though sometimes it does burn your skin if you're not careful.  It feels like a pet has died. But time to get a new one.


LoveBooks said...

I got rid of my lavender wheat bag's as I had a couple that nearly went up in flames. I didn't have them on for the time stated either. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I now use an electric heat pad.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I've often wondered how effective these bags are, but we don't have a microwave, so have never tried!

nmj said...

Hey Butterfly, It was my fault I scorched the old one, but I guess it can be risky. I just read that you should put a glass of water in with it to microwave, which I never did.

Hey Crafty, I would recommend, I use often for back and neck pain. The old one was from Tisserand. I have a new temporary one from Superdrug, it was much cheaper, and fine for now, but does not retain the heat for very long.

Unknown said...

Ha! Happened to me too a few weeks ago. My green corduroy wheatbag singed and the wheat sprinkled on my floor. Miss it like an old friend.