Saturday, 7 June 2014

Six years on, still getting lovely feedback on novel

Almost six  years on, lovely to get feedback from readers of The State of Me: this from Merry Speece in Ohio:

I just finished reading The State of Me and wanted to tell you how much I liked it. I particularly admire your intelligence and sense of humor and your commitment to advocacy. I enjoyed the story (you are a born novelist), and you did a good job explaining the illness ME. I have been ill for more than 45 years. My mother was also ill; I have no memory of her as well.

Full comment is here.

I see that Merry writes poetry and prose.

And on subject of poetry, I came across Rosemary Tonks in an article last week, fascinating woman, I must look up her work.


Unknown said...

Ah, you are nice, Nasim Marie Jafry. If you could let me know whenever you have work published, I would try to find a copy.

The article on Rosemary Tonk was interesting. I had not heard of her.

nmj said...

Hello, Merry, Thanks, I write very slowly, and sporadically, I live, necessarily, on the margins of the writing life. You can see links to short published pieces on sidebar of blog, just scroll down, and I have flash fiction, a very short piece, coming out in summer edition of the literary journal, The Istanbul Review, in August, I think.

Yes, Rosemary is an interesting find!

Unknown said...

I understand that you can't get all the writing done you'd like to do. I'm very sorry that you are ill and hope that a research breakthrough in the next few years brings treatment that truly helps. I hope for you: good years ahead, more books.

nmj said...

Thanks, Merry.

nmj said...

Thanks, Merry.