Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Istanbul Review: Issue 5

Delighted that the gorgeous The Istanbul Review Issue 5 is now on sale in Looking Glass Books, a wonderful indie book store in Edinburgh. I have flash fiction in this one. This issue also has writing by Elif Shafak and Lesley Glaister. And the stunning cover artwork - and art within - is by Canan  Berber. The Istanbul Review gives 2.5% of its profits to NGOs across the world promoting literacy.


Amy said...

I've just opened the copy you sent me for my birthday, Nasim. The journal itself is a lovely object. Your flash fiction piece is great (it's all I've read so far) and I love having something filled with poetry and short/fairly short pieces from a diverse array of authors. With severe ME I can't concentrate for long at all but this will be great to dip into.

Thanks x

nmj said...

Hey, Amy, Glad you like. Yes, is beautiful in itself, as an object, have just dipped in so far myself, am loving the poetry (which I do not read enough of, in general, and feel, irrationally, guilty). Hope you can enjoy, I know even one page is tough when so very ill as you are, my dear. x