Tuesday 9 June 2009

If you have 7 minutes to spare...


cm said...

beautiful nmj. profound. thank you for sharing. cm

Mim said...

Thank you for the link to the video. The situation of Palestinians displaced by the destruction of their homes in Gaza is shocking and sad. Will Obama be able to influence the new Israeli government and Hamas?

trousers said...

Utterly desperate. The phrase which came to mind - and stayed lodged there as I watched - was it's shit, isn't it?

That such (surely) avoidable, unnecessary tragedy seems so sadly unsurprising... well I go back to the above phrase.

nmj said...

Hey CM, I didn't exactly share anything, it was on the Guardian website... 'Share' seems an odd concept here. It is not my personal grief, but the grief of a people, a grief I find unbearable.

Hey Mim, The conflict(s) seem intractable, but Obama has to be a thousand times more effective than Bush!

cm said...

share in the sense that unless you had posted it, i would not have been aware of it, and i am glad to now be aware of it.

nmj said...

Hey Trews, I don't know how the people of Gaza cope. I just don't know.